Monday, December 15, 2008

To Jareth Love Mommy

Dear Jareth,

My dear child Your growing up to fast.... yesterday was the first time you smiled big held your arms wide open ran to mommy and grampa and said "Hug" It warmed my heart. I feel guilty alot of the time that you've been cheated out of a father and that I put you in the mess were in. I hope some day you understand that I am working to get us out of this mess I put us in and that even with out a "Dad" I have tried to provide you a support system full of love more Love than 2 people could ever give you alone. Its moments that you do things like blow kisses, smile, show affection, and like today when you run up to me for the first time and say "hug" that I'm sure everything will be ok that I am raiseing you to be a good man. When you kiss your cabage patch doll (even though you truely treat it like a boy the rest of the time) I know you will be a great Daddy some day I have that hope for you that you know how it feels to love something so much. I'll love you no matter what you do in your life I may get mad I may get disapointed but I vow that when I do these things to try my best to remember that first time that you said "HUG" and the first time you said "Mama" or blew Kisses I will try to remember the best in you as I hope you try to remember the best in me. I don't know what else to say to you little guy other then that I love you.

Love Mommy

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