Last Pic's of Jareth in the play pen he now climb's out of
I know Jareth from what I read is a little young for the "big boy bed" yes I know this but Jareth has always been more advanced for his age especially Physically. As such I am in a pickle. Jareth had as I posted last week I think started climbing out of his play pen well the new Crib/Toddler bed/Day bed/head and foot board for a twin bed, Had to be given to him early as I think I mentioned I got rid of his old Crib that I had a love hate relationship with. I had a love hate relationship with this crib because His Father (who for legal reasons, we will call Fred) droped the old used family crib off on my fount porch one day while I was carrying with Jareth (who at the time we thought was going to be Amily) any way I had had a conversation with him not long before about how I did not have room for the crib yet and would let him know when I did Fred as always disregarded this and desided to drop it off anyway while I was out with Glynnis (my friend who's really more like a sister and whom I will offtend clame as my sister and have known since about mid-highschool) when I got home and found it I called Fred to find out what his problum was that he couldn't understand that I didn't have room for this ugly honkin thing (it really wasn't ugly i just was mad it really was a cute crib even if it was the baine of my exsistence) he said that his aunt was going to throw it out if he didn't bring it over that day (which knowing Fred may or may not be true more likely to be compleytly false though he has a bad habbit of lieing to get himself out of situations.) The Crib was soooo big that the first night I brought him home it was too big and scary to him I realized this after I put him down In the basinet and he fell strate to sleep. I folded the crib up and stored in for sevral month's after Jareth Got his Graco pack and play which came with an ajustment to make it in to a crib for smaller baby's that could not yet stand. However this was too short lived once he was able to stand and it looked as though he might fall out of it if I did not dis-continue it's use I used the play pen part of it for a long time as a crib so that Jareth would have a place to sleep and I didn't have to deal with the Crib that still plauges my worst nightmares. I tried to sell it once on myspace but could not find a local buyer that was willing to come pick it up and I had no way of getting that huge thing to the post office or a bvox big enough to ship it in to have it picked up by UPS this was very anoying so I gave up selling the darn thing as a bad job and when my mom passed away in april (God rest her soul she was bed ridden for soooo long and now she's walking with the Angels and Saints) we gave Jareth her room almost the same week because we knew this is what she would have wanted (she was very bonded and attached to Jareth being bed ridden she and he as she said her self were alot alike they were helpless and couldn't do much on their own and she took such Joy in simply giving him his morning bottle ... I was only able to breast feed Jareth for maybe 2 months before we both developed thrush him in his mouth and me in my nipples and as hard as I tried to keep going I was pumping less and less tell the wells ran dry .... I still have alot of guilt Issues over this.) I sat the crib up in my mom's old room which is now Jareth's room and it was ok and just before I stoped talking to Fred all together I had repetedly asked him to get me a new second Crib sheet to which he replyed and i'm parafrazeing here "I'm A bum loser I have no Job anymore and no money and Can't even pay the child support I agreed to pay Nancy for Amber" CLEARLY Fred is a dead beat Father (this is just about the nicest thing I can say about him other then he makes an awsome omlet. I would say at least he never physicily hurt me but alas i would be lieing) and I'm glad to be rid of him hopefuly for good. (Fred is currently being investigated for something really bad to say the least that make's me unable and unwilling to trust him with Jareth that I also am unwilling to go in to here... ever so don't ask. But if he gose to Jail i have every intention of going down to legal aid and having his rights striped I can only say that if you knew the situation any sane person would understand and cheer me on in this.) The not having a spare crib sheet was really one of my last straws with this crib cause Jareth whent through a period of time where at least once a week he woke up very poopie and messy and i had to wash the 1 crib sheet i had right away so that he would have a strech sheet in his crib the next night or I would have to strech a blanket over the martess in loo of a strech sheet. I finely got rid of the DOG AWFUL thing by putting it out side with a sign desplaying FREE CRIB!!! and said good bye to it as it was being hulled away .... it was a good crib it was not it's fault I had so many bad memorys and experences attached to it and I am sure that some baby will have a very good nights sleep in it as i know Jareth did many nights.
but anyway I had planed on keeping Jareth in his play pen as a bed tell Christmas Eve when I planed on building the new crib..... This did not pan out! he (as I had been dreaming he would for a week "the Force ... scratch that ...mothers intuition is stong with this one") learned to excape from his play pen making it imposable for me to get him down for bed that night. My dear friend Ashley God bless her heart (gosh I'm 22 I talk like I'm 80 some times WTF) helped me assemble the new crib which the new plan was to make it in to a toddler bed on Christmas Eve (note to anyone buying a crib .... easy assembily does not mean easy assembily anymore it means your going to be cussing grinding your teeth and need at least 1 other person but when it's all done you'll feel acomplished because even though the crib seems bigger then the old one it's also more beautieful and the wood color matches your glider rockers wood color so in the end it's worth it though making the crib is almost as hard as poping the kid out in the first place) as I was saying before my brain so rudely intrupted me that was 2 days ago that me and ashly were up tell 2:00am putting the crib together and Jareth straped in to his high chair conked out in the process. though the first night Jareth seemed to do well last night I found I was relieved too soon I found myself Camping out on the floor of Jareth's room He had mastered climbing out of the new crib even with the bar fully raised (for a 17 month old my kid is strooooong) I responded to this by turning the crib fully around so that the smaller frount side tword the wall (A trick I once saw Lorilie Gilmore pull out for Christopher on an episode of Gilmore Girls when in a panic he called Lorilie because his wife Sherrie had left him and Gigi to take off to Europe and resume her carrer and Christopher in over his head called Lorilie because he had no clue what he was supost to be doing and Gigi kept climbing out of her crib and he needed a shower desprately.) Though this may have worked for Gigi on Gilmore Girls oh no not for Jareth he found a way out he always finds a way i dread the day he can climb a baby gate. So to day with no other recorse I got the tools out a foot stool stuck Jareth in the play pen right next to me (he wouldn't climb out right infrount of mommy that wouldn't be his sneekie cookie way of things lol I love him) and took off the frount gard raised the platform bottom (this is where the footstool came in handy because your supost to have 2 people to do this HAHA I DEFI YOU PEOPLE AT STORK CRAFT!) and installed the frount bar on the thing making it a Toddler/Day Bed. Getting Jareth to sleep tonight was more fun then a barrel of monkeys because I had been tricked (lol not really) by him in to me and him taking a nap (my only for the day his second for the day) that lasted 3 hours the reson I say "tricked" is that Jareth will not keep eather his pants or his socks on and it is very cold so out of fear for him getting too cold (his legs were very cold to the touch) I grabbed him in the tent I mad for us out of blankets today (I really like blanket tents) and snuggled him in to a blanket with me .... he fussed for a while but in the end mommy was right it was warm and the warmth lulled us both to sleep (it dosen't help the for the first 6 months of his life Mommy was a major Co-Sleeper and it was very relaxing for both of us to cuddle up together again but as tempted as mommy is to go back to Co Sleeping 6 months is the limit if she ever wants to sleep alone before he is 12 years old) I figure tomarrow night will go better in his big boy bed as he will only be having ONE nap and Mommy normily reads him to sleep anyway so the getting up and down won't be such an issue (Jareth knows if he dosen't lay down while Mommy is reading Mommy closes the book gets up and leaves the room for about 15 min before we try it again and if Mommy has to get up and leave 3 times which hasn't happened once yet he's in big honking amounts of deep poopie.) I don't mind reading Jareth to sleep it's better then leaveing the TV on for him which would A)keep him awake, and B)screw up his REM sleep (REM-RAPID EYE MOVMENT or dream sleep which is actuly good for you and is needed for a good nights sleep leaveing the tv on effects REM sleep in many ways whats on tv when your sleeping can't become part of your dreams which is why i could never sleep with unsolved mysteries on ::shutters:: ekk creepy and because the light from the Tv sends a false messages to your brain about night and day sleep in the dark without flickering light is very important and condusive to a restful nights sleep though playing music without words is very good for sleep and for your brain because it stimulates the math portion of your brain due to the complex patterns in the music which are mathmatical equations to put it planely .... sorry child development major what's a girl to do who's obcessed with the complex workings of all the ways you can screw up a kid.... just do your best be with your kid and don't leave them with random people so you can go to the bar every night and i think your kid will proabily be relitively ok even if they do recive a few spanking in their life as long as you show restrant and don't spank them over there age or thretin them that your going to put them in a dark room and let the boogie man eat them (yes I know someone who has done this and it pissed me off and I had to intervine no option there just had to intervine) as a form of disiplan I think your kid will be ok.)
Any way I waisted my time bilding me and Jareth a Blanket tent today and have 2 papers due this week and 2 past due from last week so I better get to work.... the hoildays has got to be the worst months of the year for a single mom to be in school.... yeah this sucks
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